- - Etiquette: Everyone should be a good etiquette
- - Conduct: If you don't have good conduct you usually get in trouble.
- -Courtesy: People need to have good courtesy when eating and talking to people.
- - Flame: People who flame are mean and bullies

- - Troll: Being a troll is writing rude comments on others peoples post or chat room
- - Anonymous: Just because you're anonymous and no one knows who you are you shouldn't be mean and rude
- - Emoticon: When I write or text I usually use an emotion such as a smiley or a heart.
- - Obvious: Im always very obvious with people
- - Ethical: Im a good ethical when on the internet
- - Unethical: Unethical comments should be spammed because they are .
- - Legal: I always do legal things not anything thats not legal
- - Boolean Search: I always do the boolean search because it is easier
- URL: I always write the URL on top of the page so the computer knows where to take me